

I hope all you fathers out there had a wonderful day! Rene's morning started with a trip to the bagel shop where we took some timed pictures on the couch. You can see below that timed pictures are a) rarely centered and b) super fun for the whole family. If you haven't taken any timed pictures lately, I suggest you put that camera on a table, ledge, rock, or the hood of your car and TAKE SOME GROUP PHOTOS! There's nothing like the excitement of trying to beat the little flashing red light while you scamper to your place in the picture. LOL

Then we headed off to church and after the service was over, I dropped Mateo and Rene off at home so Mateo could take a nap and Rene could work on some audtion material. Then I took Rosey out for a SECRET MISSION. We went to the dollar store and bought a whole bunch of fun stuff, got a cake at my FAVORITE cake bakery (Market of Choice) and then made a sneaky dash for the New Theatre of The Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Rosey and I decorated Rene's dressing room space with tons of cute stuff (balloons, streamers, and other dollar store "decor" items) and topped it off with a framed photo colage. So cute! Later in the day, we went up to the theatre with Rene and he was so happy and surprised to see our handywork! We then brought out the cake and shared it with the cast. Such a fun way to let daddy know that even when he's away from us doing his show, we are with him. My kids are so lucky to have a father like Rene. He puts family 100% first. Above his career, above his hobbies, above his own wants, above finincial gain. Spending time together as a family unit is #1. That's rare in the world today. I thank God for my hubby. Love You!

And to all you other wonderful dads out there.
Thanks for all you do!
:) SJ

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